Wednesday, July 28, 2010

In the Yard

Well, not many finished projects, but here is some of what I have been doing. I built the wall across my back yard to separate the 2 levels. I haven't glued down the top row of bricks yet. I'm also moving dirt still, lots of it. I don't plan on planting grass until fall so I'm not pushing the work too much. I still haven't finished the final little pieces on the brick patio. I really need to get that done.

The rototiller handle broke while a neighbor was using it. No big deal, but they did get it welded back together for me. It's over 30 years old and still working.

Here you see our garden, all in pots under the deck to stay out of the heat. They look great and this picture is full size so it will take longer to open.

Enjoy, and be careful of the blisters.

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