Thursday, February 12, 2009

Passed the Inspection

With a minor problem. I missed the bracing on the two Brace-panels that are bolted to the floor with the special brackets. Brain fart, my mistake. No re-inspection required. I'll add the braces in then I'll get the windows and door for the shop. I'll also begin the wiring in the place. You know, panel, plugs and lights. I'm going to use florescent and have been trying to figure out how many. Right now I'm looking at 6 fixtures. It's really 17x21 inside, so I'm hope it is enough light. I can always add task lighting as needed.

Enjoy, but be careful of the splinters.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Roof is Up, Just Before the Rain

As the header says, we got the roof up about 2 hours before it started raining. A couple of minor problems, but we worked through them. I had to but a full roll of roofing felt to get what I needed for that last three feet ($25). I placed all of the truss hangers up, cleaned the floor and was putting the tools away when it started to rain.

Here's the picture. Enjoy, and count all of the splinters.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Raising the Roof

Brian and I got the trusses up and started laying the plywood down. Its actually going pretty quick considering all that needs to be done. It looks like we might get half a day of good weather tomorrow, so I'm hoping that we get the rest of the plywood up before it starts to rain. It was late before I got the picture, so the only one I have is at dusk.

Enjoy, and be wary of the splinters.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Raising the Roof

We'll be putting up the roof this weekend. I need to pick up the plywood early, and grab a few additional 2x4s to help keep it all together. I'm excited 'cause then it will look like a real shop. A couple rolls of roofing felt will seal it until I can put down some shingles.

I'll try to get an inspection next week, so I can contiue on with the next step. It has been slow, but I am anyway. Why put it off for tomorrow when you can do it next week.

Enjoy, and be careful of the.splinters.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Trusses are here.

Sounds like the Red Coats are right behind them. I got home early enough to snap a couple of pictures before the Sun went down. Ah, the days are getting longer. 2 end trusses and 10 standards. But now I need to wait until the weekend to start putting them upright. They came with the blocking that goes between them for vents and strapping to tie them to the header. I'll need to get the ½" CDX to cover them, and try to get the whole roof on this coming weekend, although it is supposed to rain (showers).

Enjoy the pictures, but be careful of the splinters.