Sunday, July 26, 2009

Finally, some pictures.

I finally uploaded some pictures of the progress and changes to the shop.

First up are some from right after the electrical inspection. The shop panel with the inspectors signature, and two shots showing the connections to the panels from outside, and the trenches I dug to run the conduit through.

The second set shows the interior of the shop after removing everything except a couple of extra batts of ceiling insulation. I even swept, vacuumed and mopped the floor to help pick up any loose dust and fiberglass. It seems to hold the temp well, but since it is expected to reach over 100 degrees this week, I'm not too excited about leaving the house. I now have another inspection, one for insulation. I was told this is just to see that I put the correct thickness in both the walls and ceilings. That should take longer to sign the paper then to perform the inspection. Note that one of the pictures appears in black-and-white. It was actually a color shot, but the background glare from the windows and doors made the image appear almost black. The gray-scale was an attempt to save the image.

Enjoy, and be careful of the splinters.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Electrtic Passed

I passed the electric rough portion of the inspection. The trenches that hold the pipes can now be filled in and I started putting in the insulation in the ceiling. Actually it's done now. I used of R-38 sheets up there. First I cut 22.25" x 4' sheets of waferboard out and installed them to keep the insulation out of the vents. Then I placed foam spacers in the other sections to keep the stuff away from the roof. What I did wrong was I was cutting the insulation at an angle to actually fit against the spacers. That was nasty work.

I finally called a friend who said that I only needed to run the batting up to the ceiling spacers and leave dead air space. I was already half done, and being anal I put the sections in like he suggested, then put up stuff to match what I had already started. I just tried not to be too 'perfect' about the fit.

Anyway, the ceiling is in and the next step is to insulate the walls. Tomorrow, oh joy.

Enjoy, and be careful of the splinters.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Time for the Inspection

I've made all of the suggested changes for the electrical inspection, so it's time to call. The GFIs are all in place, cables nailed down, conduit attached to the wall and metal plates over the holes I passed the wire through. I think it's good. It will be 2 days before the inspection (if I can get it off) and I'll take a last run of pictures before filling in the trenches.

The electrician suggested that I run an extra pipe, or 2, through the trench while it's open, and cap the ends. Not sure what the advantage would be, although he suggested water or may be a signal wire of some kind.

Enjoy, and be careful of the splinters.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

We have Power

No pictures today, but I just had the main power panel replaced, and I now have power to the shop! The inspection hasn't been done yet, and there are a few things to complete/redo, but after I get back from vacation I'll get the panel and shop inspected. I did a test run today and verified that the power is in the shop. Hooray! Because this is an out-building, I need to put a GFI on each power leg (4). I also need to put in a few more wire staples to hold the cables tight and some cable protector plates. Also I have an outside GFI outlet that needs to be replaced, but one of the local blue big-box stores does not carry one that is required by the new Electrical code. I tried the best one they sold but that does not meet the current spec. The orange big-box store does have the part, according to the electrician. That covers the gist of it.

Dennis came over and helped pull the power cables through the conduit. After the panel was mounted I waited until the holes were punched through for the final cable fitting. I needed to dig a the trench two feet further to give a place for the conduit to drop down. Of course there was a large rock in the way, about 1 cubic foot in size, what a pain.

I'll get the inspection done as early next week as I can, but I do have some work to do, then I can start filling in the trenches. This is exciting for me. The shop is getting close to reality.

Enjoy, and be careful of the splinters.