Thursday, March 5, 2009

That's a Wrap

Okay, that was meant to be puny. We've wrapped the house, framed the door and added windows. I've sealed off the garage front and have started doing the electrical work inside. I may post the drawing, but it's not much to look at. It's feeling more like a shop now, even though I'm still using extension cords. It's still a slow go, given I only work on it 3 evenings a week, right now. The door is sitting inside, as it needs to have the exterior siding put on first. It also has a window in it to help get outside light in. All of these windows are facing NW, so I'll only get direct sunlight in them during the morning hours. That makes for more even lighting, and I don't have to worry about the color of the project wood inside fading. (Yes, some wood fades in sunlight, some gets darker.)

Enjoy, and be careful of the splinters.