Yes I know, it has been a while. My excuse is I was gone most of August. But I did get a little done. I planted grass in front of the shop, and it is just starting to come up, at least a couple of blades. I finally put wallboard around the electrical panel to fill in the gaps from when I had the panel replaced, just shy of a year to do it. My big brother helped. See the picture.
I finished carving a sun that I had been working on for about 2 years. Painted, but not yet sealed or hung. I need to add a hook to hang it. It is bright, but it is the sun. For those that don't recognize it, the sun is a Shawn Cipa design.
I went to the Carving Rendezvous put on by the Salem, Oregon Capital Carvers. I spent the day there learning from people that like to teach, with a lot of people that like to carve. I included samples by Dave Disslbrett from a class I took there. I had a great time and it was nice to talk and listen to people that enjoyed carving.
For now, enjoy, but be careful of the splinters.