Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bottle Openers

I took the day off so I would be here for a furnace maintenance person could tell me why my furnace won't turn on. While waiting, I turned the following 2 bottle opener handles. These are for a kit that Rockler sells. They have a chrome version, as well as the pewter color that I bought. There is an insert into the handle that you screw the opener into. Anyway, one handle in Myrtle wood, the other I don't know. The unknown wood version had a pair of cracked knots that I filled with green epoxy after the initial turning. I then cleaned up the mess on a final pass. While I like the larger size, (big hands) I think the preferred size would be the smaller (green) one. I'll keep one and the other goes into a 'Beer Basket' a group of us are preparing for an action at work.

Enjoy, and be careful of the splinters.

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