Monday, January 6, 2014

Brush Duster

My wife had picked up a 35mm Duster kit from Rockler this Christmas. I've included a picture of the package wrapping as we'll as the brush itself.

Since I have a little spare Myrtle wood I grabbed a chunk for the handle, so I've added a picture of the other end of the source piece and the finished handle. Kind of a before and after shot. The opening I drilled was 1/2" deep, and then I turned the handle accounting for the size of the opening.

In the final picture, the brush is not epoxied in yet. I am writing this while the epoxy sets.

And finally

At the bottom of the first image you will see to portable diamond whetstones for sharpening tools. l did a quick touch up on my lathe tools and it did help with the turning

Enjoy, and be careful of the splinters.

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