Well, I hand dug the trench today, at an average of about 18" deep. I still need to go to 20" to keep the top of the conduit greater than 18" below the surface. Some spots are fine but some are only 16". I was going to rent a machine, but by the time the last guy came by today to make sure that I wasn't digging into any thing important, I'd already dug 10' by the shop itself, at a 45 degree angle to meet the straight run you see in the first picture. I thought that this seemed easy enough, I'd save $150 and do it myself. Actually it went pretty good until I swung around the patio. That section had gravel in the top foot and was killer. That 15' took as long as the other 75'. (I already had the 10' next to the house done.)
I've taken 2 Aleve and expect to be sore tomorrow. I'll finish it up next week in the evenings and start laying conduit.
Enjoy, and be careful of the splinters.