Friday, October 29, 2010


I finished painting this one last week, but it took a while to get it posted. I must apologize to my readers for holding it back, knowing how you all desire to see a constantly changing world and needing immediate gratification by viewing the activities of others. Ok, so I'm a little sarcastic, but get a life. This is the guy I carved while down in Silverton during a Carver's Retreat. The bolts are real. I used acrylic paints on this carving. The vest was not part of the original design, but I added it when I was cleaning up the carving to prepare it for painting. The pants are charcoal, the shoes are black, the vest was purple. All basic colors. I added black for shading of the vest bottom, but lilac for the vest top. The face was painted leaf green. This was a great little carving and by changing only the head you can carve a bunch of different characters.

Enjoy, and be careful where the paint drips.

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