Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Gift for a Retired Co-Worker

It's not like I haven't been doing any work. I've just haven't posted samples of it as I needed to. The box I'm showing here is one I've worked on since early October. I didn't get it done in time for the retirement, but I'll see the co-worker at the Annual Holiday party. These pictures are taken without the flash, as the color seems to change due to the intense white light.

The wood is Myrtle Wood and Black Cherry. The sides are 1/2" thick. I built the box, top and bottom as one, then cut through the sides after the glue was dry. Makes for a perfect fit. The handle was attached with a small biscuit (if you don't know, don't ask). There were no major problems this time, other than time and making a jig to cut slots in the corners for the wedges. It all worked fine. I used Boiled Linseed Oil (BLO) for the finish, then waxed the box with a liquid wax from Watco.

Enjoy, but be careful of the splinters.

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