Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Palm Pen

Sounds like another phone knock-off. Well this palm is often used for texting and sometimes as a pointer. It's one of the first batch of pens I turned in the shop.

It's been almost a year since I've been able to turn, or make anything. This one is made from a palm tree and its actually the second one. The first palm blank blew the sides out 'cause I put to much pressure on the drill when drilling the hole. You can see where the sides ruptured on the block holding up the pen. The fibers tore easily as I turned it, so I started coating the blank with super-glue, turn off a layer, add another layer of glue down and so on until I got the pen in shape. Needless to say, the finish is super-glue followed by BLO in rapid succession, then another layer of super-glue and BLO. After letting that dry I did a final sanding of 8000 - 12000 grit paper and put on a layer of walnut paste wax.

I turned 5 pens, the palm, which I may keep a while, and 4 others, 2 of which I have already given away. It nice to get back into the shop.

Enjoy, and be careful of the splinters.

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