Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Another pot

Of the stave pot, I glued it together yesterday and tonight sanded the top flat. I tried turning a lip in the bottom so I could insert a bottom piece, but the cedar is soooo soft that it tore more than turned on the end grain. At his point I knew I would not try to turn it round. I turned a bottom to fit and glued it in. 80 grit sandpaper really helped get a decent glue surface. I then later went out to the shop and grabbed the scrap from the first project and set up a jig to cut another set of 8 staves. Here you see these pieces glued as two halves, rubber banded together while it dries. Then I'll sand them to fit and glue them together. Since it is tall, and too small at the base, I will probably whack off the bottom 1/3 of this before I try cutting a base.

Bummer. The picture link software is not working tonight. Probably the java update messed it up. I'll have to post the picture later.

Enjoy, and be careful of the splinters.

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