Sunday, August 16, 2009

Taping and Muding

All of the sheetrock is up, and I've been taping and muddying the seams. I've started the second coat on the walls, but I gave up on trying to get a second coat on the ceiling tonight.

Been looking at garage doors. A plain, no windows, insulated door (4.4R) runs about $300 at the HD. I can get a door installed for about $600. Well, I need 3 doors, so I'll probably install it myself. The insulation thickness determines the type of mount that is installed on the inside of each panel. It looks like I can yank out their insulation, put in a 2" layer, add a plywood skin for the back, and double the insulation to R13-14 for little cost.

I've also been looking at lights. I want to install 11 4' florescent fixtures. The simplest with an electronic ballest is still over $20 a piece, which adds up quickly. One with a reflector and a wire cover is $38, way to high. I'll probably go cheaper and hope I don't break any lights.

Time to go, enjoy and be careful of the splinters.

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