Sunday, August 30, 2009

Primed and Ready

I have new picture today. I cleaned out the shop and started painting it today. This first coat is a wallboard primer and sealer, in white of course. I doesn't cover the walls real well, but I don't think it is supposed to. I bought a sprayer/roller tool to help get the job done. I wanted to use the roller so I wouldn't make a mess. I made a lot of messes, paint dripping off the shield, not covering evenly, dripping through almost every joint. I finally gave up, and just sprayed, and that worked great. Yes I have some over-spray on the floor, but it was still less than the roller was leaving. Unfortunately, everything in the garage has a layer of paint spray on it. I hadn't moved the chair and table you see in the picture out of there, 'cause I was planning on rolling and didn't need to move them. They all came clean, well mostly clean.

Things missed is I added access to the attic as the code requires it if the space is greater than 30 inches, and I'm at 40 inches. you can see it above the garage door. I trimmed a hole to the required size, added trim to hold it up, and put the sheet rock up on top of the trim.

Next is another layer of white, and then lights. but I'll be gone next week so it will be a couple of weeks before I get to them. I hadn't planned for the garage door height, so I have to reduce the number of lights down from 11 to 8. Two lights in each row from the garage door towards the back wall, but I'm keeping 4 in the row nearest the windows. I also had to move where the power comes through the ceiling on the back set as the hole was over the garage door. After the lights I have wall plate covers and need to decide if I cover the floor or not. I've seen floor coverings that look nice but they don't add much except looks and a seal. My original choice was epoxy, which means I need to remove all of the paint I left there. :-(

Anyway, Enjoy and be careful of the splinters, and box cutters; stitches come out on Tuesday.

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